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AI, Blockchain and More Technologies Give New Prospects for the Jobs of the Future

IA, Blockchain e Mais Tecnologias dão Novas Perscpectivas para os Empregos do Futuro

AI, Blockchain and More Technologies Give New Prospects for the Jobs of the Future

In the current scenario, it is clear that the jobs of the future will undergo many changes in the way they operate with the growth of technologies such as AI and Blockchain, for example. Simply because they change the amount of data that can be processed and the security of operations, many jobs – especially in the financial sector – will start to use these properties to carry out larger quantities of tasks in a safer and more practical way. With this scenario in mind, many jobs of the future in the financial world will have very profound adaptations in the way they carry out their activities. Investment advisors and other professionals in the digital assets universe are part of this group, and they need to pay attention to adapting new technologies for their professional growth.

How are Technologies Shaping the Jobs of the Future?

Technology will be a basic requirement for carrying out daily work activities, which will make technological mastery of tools essential for the vast majority of jobs in the future. Just look at how the number of vacancies in technology-oriented sectors has risen in recent years, especially those related to cybersecurity and AI. When you think about the era of asset tokenization, one of the most important technologies for the growth of this period was the creation of VASPs. This is one of the main players in the digital economy, as it is able to provide services linked to virtual assets, such as tokens or cryptocurrencies.

Examples of Change: The New Role of the Investment Advisor

Having an understanding of cybersecurity is the first notable change in the work of an investment advisor. This knowledge has become essential both for the professional to be able to convey confidence in their work and also for providing a safe environment for trading digital assets, which are very decisive factors for the jobs of the future.

Most frequent updates on knowledge baggage

You need to invest in constantly updating your knowledge so that you don’t become outdated when it comes to using technology. Changes in the financial market occur very frequently, which requires a lot of discipline and an understanding of which mechanisms are the most interesting to use in the digital asset universe. For the investment advisor, for example, understanding what DREX is and its applications is one of the requirements that will be very decisive in the tokenized market. As this digital form of the real talks directly to the token, it’s interesting to understand its impact on the market in order to make your work as an investment advisor more precise.

Use technological tools frequently

Understanding that technological tools will become more frequent is one of the main changes that investment advisors and other jobs of the future need to understand. The development of increasingly powerful mechanisms such as the blockchain system allows transactions to take place in a much more secure manner, a factor that directly alters the way in which digital assets are traded. A very relevant example is BBR Managament, which offers a very suitable environment for managing all your work as an investment advisor with a lot of autonomy and efficiency. This way, you’ll have a better chance of adapting to the world of earnings in the age of digital assets. Learning to deal with artificial intelligence needs to be one of the priorities for today’s financial market professional, along with understanding the blockchain system. These two skills are not only highly sought after by companies, but they also allow you to act very precisely and effectively in the era of asset tokenization.

Learn to understand your customers

Carefully understanding the characteristics of clients is essential if the investment advisor is to have an idea of how to guide the investor towards the most suitable investments. This demand is also present in other jobs of the future in the financial market, requiring a lot of attention from the sector. The professional who masters this point may be able to have one of the most promising jobs of the future, as the growth of the token has brought more and more investors interested in investing in the area. As a result, most of them want support in choosing the most interesting investments, and this demand is met by the investment advisor.

Jobs of the future: Take a look at the applications on the market
Image: Canva

Look at the applications on the market

Understanding the investments that investors make in the market, in turn, is essential for the professional to understand which are the main investments made by potential clients. Also take a look at the ways in which companies relate to the era of tokenization in order to see how they offer their applications. When it comes to finding a suitable environment for managing tokenized assets, the best choice is the Whitelabel platform. Its entire blockchain-based structure offers a great degree of autonomy and practicality, essential points for the smooth running of financial transactions without the need for banking institutions. Even if this series of changes seems complicated at first glance, understanding them will make it possible to understand how to be a self-employed investment advisor. As this profession is one of the fastest-growing, given that the volume of investments made by individuals has risen considerably in recent years, having it in mind is an excellent opportunity!

Resources for Professional Adaptation

Materials to keep up to date and constant observation of changes in the market are the best resources for making an excellent professional adaptation for the jobs of the future. Along with this, it is interesting to develop skills beyond the technological area, so that the professional can become complete and qualified for the new job demands. It’s no surprise that many investment advisors are lost when faced with the number of challenges in today’s market. For this, you can rely on BLOCKBR’s e-book – a complete and very important material to guide professionals in adapting to the changes that are constantly taking place in the financial market. It’s also worth finding out about places where you can trade digital assets with the security and efficiency needed to meet the demands of today’s market. The Whitelabel platform, for example, is the ideal environment for this and allows you to offer your assets with great security and quality.

Preparing for the Demands of Today and Tomorrow

Constantly studying the market and the right technologies to use is the best way to prepare for the future and current demands of future jobs. By creating an account with BLOCKBR, you can also take full advantage of the growth of the digital economy in a safe and efficient way.

Migrate to tokenization with BLOCKBR infrastructure, Access Funding with BLOCKBR Plugged-in Investment Advisors.

The unlocking of the capital market, giving access to new types and structures of investments through tokens, is bringing a universe of opportunities every day. Blockchain technology is an environment of high security and transparency, as well as being a backdrop for the creation of new operating models. To understand which tokenization model and infrastructure you can use in your operations, you just need to understand the opportunities you can take on, whether as a structurer, originator or distributor/investor. Become an investment advisor for digital assets (structured tokens) through BLOCKBR. You can also be an asset structurer and use our entire risk analysis, legal, technological and commercial infrastructure for distribution with Station or, if you prefer, just raise tokens by investing in your operations or RWA assets. Count on us.

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