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RWA Tokens Set the Stage for Web3 Consolidation

Tokens RWA preparam o terreno para consolidação da Web3

RWA Tokens Set the Stage for Web3 Consolidation

RWA tokens will also drive the growth of new platforms that have the power to democratize access.

The rise of real asset tokens (RWA), which here in Brazil is known as tokenization, brought with it a new era for the financial system, redefining the roles of the agents involved. Data from the platform on RWA tokens backed by US Treasury bonds reveals that this type of asset has already reached the US$698 million mark in 2023 alone. Furthermore, a recent Citibank report points out that the RWA token market is expected to reach a value of R$20 trillion by the end of 2030.

Therefore, tokenization represents a very important technological change – the complete reconfiguration of financial infrastructure. This is not only a new trillion-dollar investment sector, accessible only to Wall Street tycoons or Faria Lima suits, but also a market that empowers individuals with opportunities that were previously limited and controlled by a few institutions.

RWA tokens will also drive the growth of new platforms that have the power to democratize access, enabling new perspectives for various agents and sectors that until then had not reaped the benefits of these negotiations, even though they were often the originators of the assets. These will now be able to access the loan market more efficiently, whether as borrowers or grantors of credit. In fact, this technological revolution is redefining who has a voice and influence in the market.

To illustrate this impact, imagine a developer with extensive experience in the field. Before RWA tokens, even though he was the owner of the asset (land) and the productive capacity (construction), he had to “pass the hat” from bank to bank, from financial institution to financial institution, in search of funding to make the business viable. In each of these stages, a little more of the asset’s capital was lost, either in fees or in the transfer of rights to raise funds.

With RWA tokens, this logic changes and the real asset, when tokenized, already gains market value, as it now has easier, simpler and broader trading, enabled by the transparency, immutability and decentralization of the blockchain. In this way, this professional can act as the arbitrator in your operations (if your assets are of high quality or liquidity).

Previously on the sidelines of major decisions, asset originators are gaining power and taking control of negotiations, eliminating intermediaries who make the process more expensive and, often, were those who profit most from assets without even owning them.

This also opens the doors to access new forms of financing and integrate into the Web3 universe, a decentralized, blockchain-based digital ecosystem. With the imminent arrival of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), in the case of Brazil, with Drex, the prospect of access to this new financial universe becomes even more tangible.

It is precisely this premise that has guided the BC to create a platform to democratize the market, generate new opportunities and reconfigure the national financial system with a focus on the user and no longer on intermediaries. This transformation is already underway with Pix and Open Finance and will advance even further with tokenization.

The developing landscape is evolving rapidly and continues to offer unexplored opportunities for those seeking to innovate and actively participate in this paradigm shift.

*Cássio Krupinsk is CEO of BLOCKBR


Source: Cointelegraph

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