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What is valuation and how to increase the value of your asset?

O que é valorização e como aumentar o valor do seu ativo

What is valuation and how to increase the value of your asset?

Valuing a company’s physical and digital assets is a fundamental activity to establish the value of the brand and the enterprise as a whole.

This work includes not only physical assets that traditionally have a careful look, such as real estate, inventories and equipment. It is necessary to be careful with non-tangible assets that also cause important impacts on the company’s health.

  • Customer receivables;
  • Participations in companies;
  • Investment positions;
  • Patents and copyrights;
  • Digital heritage: website, social networks, content.

Each of the assets, if poorly managed, can lose value and negatively impact the greatest asset of all: brand image .

It is what feeds the interest of clients and its value will determine gains or losses in other assets .

But how can the company increase the value of assets and, consequently, reach a higher level of business value ?

BLOCKBR prepared this article to talk about the importance of asset valuation and how the company can make them even more valuable!


Among the various asset management operations, there is asset valuation , which aims to value assets in a real way and see if the numbers are aligned with the company’s strategies and with the reality of the market.

Valuation of assets must be carried out periodically to prevent items subject to market changes from lagging behind or suffering losses that require emergency recovery solutions.

In addition to this preventive character, it is also possible to define the value of the enterprise as a whole and the value of the brand – these are two fundamental items for:

  • Increase market recognition;
  • Strengthen negotiation conditions with suppliers;
  • Establish solid strategic partnerships ;
  • Improve conditions for obtaining credit;
  • Increase the perception of value and admiration of customers.

The recommendation is that the valuation of assets is carried out at most annually, with a company specialized in the operation, to assess the impacts of market price variations and depreciation on fixed assets .


Valuing assets – or maintaining values – is one of the biggest missions in companies, in the face of so many internal and external factors that can challenge the potential of equity.

Here are some actions that can help with this issue.


The values of assets – real estate, equipment, accounts receivable, investments and others – depend directly on the financial health of the business – it will define, among other cases:

  • Whether the company will need to urgently anticipate receivables and a greater discount at the relationship bank or whether it can tokenize the credits and obtain a better result;
  • Whether it is possible to better plan the offering of shares – and get a better price for them due to the favorable financial situation.

Here are some actions that can maintain financial balance :

  • Maintain working capital – it can be obtained through a token fundraising project;
  • Seek preventive and agile solutions for customer default;
  • Negotiate payments to suppliers as much as possible;
  • Evaluate investments and search for higher returns versus losses;
  • Implement the vision of future scenarios to foresee challenges;
  • Implement corporate management solutions;
  • Analyze cash flow weekly.


Gaining efficiency in the production, logistics, administrative and other chains is essential for the company’s assets to be even more valuable.

Delays, recurrent human errors, duplicated processes, unexpected expenses, maintenance failures, fines and overtime are examples of costs that, when added to physical and intangible assets , negatively impact their value.

Invest in process improvements and new technologies so that increased efficiency and cost reduction in production chains are shields to protect the value of assets .



Market reactions impact both positively and negatively on the values of the company’s assets and we are not just talking about the stock price for those that are publicly traded.

How can this happen?

Through the image of the brand in front of customers and other players in the market, one of the factors of great weight these days is the search for innovation .

Innovative ideas convey the company’s modernity and concern for providing the best consumer experiences to customers. Some initiatives can have a big impact:

  • Service automation;
  • Omnichannel environment;
  • Receipts from customers with cryptocurrencies;
  • Offering tokenized products and services .

With these and other innovative actions, it is possible to generate value for the brand through the admiration of customers and, with that, make the company’s assets more valuable .

Web 3.0 will bring a new cycle of profound changes to business. BLOCKBR talks about them!


Tokenization consists of creating encrypted digital representations – the tokens – of physical and digital assets of companies on a blockchain – a technology environment with a high level of security.

The main idea of tokenizing assets is to enable an offer channel with important advantages.


The tokenization process is fully digital and done in an environment with high processing speeds for transactions.


The entire operation, from asset offering to transactions, is highly encrypted , which makes tokenization immune to cyberattacks. As the validation of each operation must be given by all computers on the network (electronically), there is no room for malicious data.


Transactions are electronically controlled by a smart contract with rules defined by the token issuer . The validation of trades is done in a blockchain system, which prevents duplication of registration and fraud.


Assets can be divided into lower value tokens and, as a result, increase the base of interested parties and the liquidity of the operation . A thousand tokens of a property will attract more investors in less time. Also, the blockchain works around the clock!


The purchase of tokens is a peer-to-peer operation , done directly between the token holder and the investors, without taxes and fees from financial institutions, which makes tokenization more profitable .

It is possible to attribute more value to the tokenized asset in exchange for the advantages offered to the public – convenience, agility, security, transparency and network availability, and in particular the democratization with fractional assets .

There is the possibility of offering the tokenized asset on the blockchain primary market – between company and investors – and also on the secondary market – investors can trade the tokens freely, increasing the attractiveness of the offer on the primary market.

BLOCKBR Digital Assets is a fintech that combines technological innovation and digital knowledge to transform physical assets into digital ones, in the asset tokenization process.

The offer of tokenized physical and financial assets, both current and new, is democratic and decentralized, which makes investing safer, simpler and more efficient.

We enable, structure, issue and offer tokens on our platform and beyond. Be aware that tokens depend on feasibility and regulatory factors.

Do you want to tokenize your business or part of it? Do you have a business solution and does it make sense to issue your own token ?

Fill out our form and we will contact you.

BLOCKBR : digital assets driving results and dreams!

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