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Asset Token Issuers: What are they and how to become one?

Emissores de Tokens de Ativos: O que são e como se tornar um?

Asset Token Issuers: What are they and how to become one?

Known for being key players on the scene, active token issuers are pillars of today’s financial market. They are responsible for showing which digital asset trades are available, a step which begins the whole process of analysis and study of digital assets by investors. However, many still have doubts about the basic definitions and the best way to become an asset token issuer. Without either knowledge, it is possible to miss out on the main opportunities presented by the asset tokenization market and thus be left behind in the current financial context.

What are Asset Token Issuers?

Asset token issuers are the companies responsible for issuing these investment options for later trading by market participants. In turn, this is extremely important, especially for those who want to become a quality investment advisor capable of sustaining market changes. With the greater number of token issuers in existence, interested parties tend to look for more precision in their applications, which is responsible for the high growth of investment advisors. As a result, the crypto market not only needs more of these professionals, but also requires each of them to be adapted to the constant changes taking place in the current scenario.

What do they do?

The main function of asset token issuers is to place these application options on the blockchain. Alongside this, they are responsible for ensuring the highest level of security, quality and transparency so that operations run as smoothly as possible for investors.

Benefits of Becoming a Token Issuer

Greater security and transparency is the first known benefit of becoming an asset token issuer. In this way, it is possible to ensure both quality negotiations and that the processes are accessible by the parties responsible for the transactions, thus providing greater confidence and less need for other parties to make up the operations. In order to have all this in place to become one of the issuers of asset tokens, rely on the Whitelabel platform and don’t miss out on the opportunities offered by the digital assets market. With a highly regulated environment marked by the qualities that a blockchain can offer, you’ll certainly be surprised at the heights you can reach!

Security and transparency

Security and transparency are very important benefits for asset token issuers, due to the presence of the blockchain system. Through it, transactions are easily accessible to trading participants, not to mention the immutability of the information entered, which is responsible for guaranteeing more veracity to the data. This whole context has been responsible for the emergence of numerous financial market creations, such as the Bitcoin ETF or the DREX. In addition to these two being extremely important for the development of the tokenization scenario, both demonstrate a very promising possibility of attracting more and more interested parties to the token context. None of these creations could have been born, however, without VASPs. Through all the connections that this resource provides between the components of the financial market, the growth of digital assets is not only very high-quality, but also very agile.


The decentralization offered is one of the biggest benefits of being one of the asset token issuers, precisely because there is less third-party interference in the trading process. In this way, it is possible to guide more efficient and agile negotiations, in addition to obtaining lower costs for carrying out operations. With these points, it is noticeable how asset token issuers are able to achieve greater autonomy. Due to the reduced need for financial market figures to interfere, there are many applications that use this benefit to guarantee better profitability and experience for investors, such as tokenized funds and the Ethereum ETF.

Greater possibility of growth

Because asset tokenization is on the rise, being one of the issuers of asset tokens means taking advantage of the growth trend that the current financial market represents. Due to the intense development of the digital asset era, not a few investors, companies and other financial figures want to take advantage of the potential that tokenization presents. This means that you can achieve much more promising results and optimum durability if you are one of the issuers of asset tokens. As a result, your market scenario will be much more stable and you’ll be able to adapt appropriately to changes in the digital asset context.

Greater possibility of growth
Image: Canva

The Process of Issuing Asset Tokens

The issuance of asset tokens begins with the choice of what will be transformed into a digital asset to be marketed at a later date. To do this, the necessary assessment of the degree of quality and security of that possibility takes place before it is transformed into a token and offered on the market. One example is companies that previously depended entirely on brokers to distribute credit products. By becoming asset token issuers, therefore, it is possible not only to offer these products on the market but also to increase the transparency and efficiency of trading, which generates better results. This whole process is responsible for guaranteeing the best possible return for investors and greater elimination of trading risks due to the presence of points such as fraud protection and technological systems with a high degree of security.

Necessary tools and infrastructure

Accompanying excellent platforms that comply with regulations and rely on the blockchain system are the main parts of the infrastructure needed by asset token issuers. With the presence of these points, it is possible to ensure that applications are offered in a safe, practical and transparent way, which are essential factors for attracting new stakeholders and enabling more promising offers. To acquire all the necessary infrastructure for asset tokenization, simply rely on the Whitelabel platform. With all its compliance with CVM 88 and care taken with the blockchain system, it will certainly be possible to take advantage of all the potential of being one of the issuers of asset tokens with the necessary efficiency.

Transforming Traditional Companies into Market Makers

The transformation of traditional companies into market makers depends on the tools and environment they rely on to make the process happen. So the best choice is to create an account with BLOCKBR and explore all the possibilities that being one of the asset token issuers presents to you!

Migrate to tokenization with BLOCKBR infrastructure, Access Funding with BLOCKBR Plugged-in Investment Advisors.

The unlocking of the capital market, giving access to new types and structures of investments through tokens, is bringing a universe of opportunities every day. Blockchain technology is an environment of high security and transparency, as well as being a backdrop for the creation of new operating models. To understand which tokenization model and infrastructure you can use in your operations, you just need to understand the opportunities you can take on, whether as a structurer, originator or distributor/investor. Become an investment advisor for digital assets (structured tokens) through BLOCKBR. You can also be an asset structurer and use our entire risk analysis, legal, technological and commercial infrastructure for distribution with Station or, if you prefer, just raise tokens by investing in your operations or RWA assets. Count on us.

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